ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL, today is the day that all things are equal. Day equals night, night’s the same span as day, and the new season bursts into bloom like a bold Finnish flower.
It’s the first day of spring, and at Google, vernal and verdant creativity springs eternal. So today, the company’s homepage Doodle reportedly draws inspiration from a textile company to create a logo that warmly says farewell to winter with a light and bright tone.
Team Google Doodle tells Comic Riffs that for each special logo, its illustrators marry technique with topic — the style is summoned from the substance. And so it is today, Google reportedly draws from Marimekko, the half-century-old Finnish firm whose designs include brilliant blue flora and whimsically tinted fauna.
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Scientists define the Northern Hemisphere’s vernal equinox as ”the point, lying in the constellation Pisces, at which the sun’s ecliptic intersects the celestial equator” — as the Sun’s path reaches the First Point of Aries, and day and night are of equal length.
Linguists define vernal equinox as being Latin for “of spring” and “equal night,” respectively.
Gardeners and artists define it as the first day of spring and a season of literal and creative budding, as vivid colors begin to burst forth.
And many celebrants know it as Nowruz, the Persian New Year that kicks off a 13-day festival.