Recently, I was two of my co-workers filming a short scene with our Heal the Streets youth fellows in West Oakland for their video report on violence and its relationship to the economy. Halfway through the filming, two young men robbed us at gunpoint and stole our camera equipment. Can you help replace the equipment so we can complete the film?
We were stunned and devastated, but grateful that no one was hurt.
Yet, this incident struck a chord with all of us at the Ella Baker Center. Here we were -- Oakland youth and adults making a video to heal our streets from violence and we became survivors of that very violence. Throughout this time, our young people have inspired us with their compassion, understanding, and renewed motivation to complete this important project.
After much discussion with our youth, we are asking our community to help us finish our project -- we need to raise $3,000 to replace our stolen camera equipment. Every donation helps.
"The irony of the situation highlights the importance of the work we do, and the urgency of getting it done," says a Heal the Streets fellow.
While the cost of the camera equipment is substantial, providing our youth fellows the opportunity to complete their project on solutions to violence and take another step toward becoming change advocates in our communities is priceless. Will you help us replace our stolen equipment and help the youth finish their film?
Thank you for helping these inspiring young leaders finish their video to raise awareness about youth and community violence.