Sustainable Living Roadshow (SLR) is a caravan of educators and entertainers who tour the country in a fleet of renewable fuel vehicles to empower communities and individuals to utilize sustainable living strategies for a healthier planet. Over the next couple of months leading up to election day, Sustainable Living Roadshow is channeling their playful energy into YES on Prop 37, especially around mobilizing the grassroots and increasing awareness around labeling Genetically Modified Foods.
Prop 37 will require the labeling of all Genetically Modified Foods in the State of California. The USA and Canada are the last industrialized nations that don’t require the labeling of Genetically Modified Foods, even though GMOs are found in over 70% of traditional American groceries. Recent studies showing that GMO diets caused cancer and reduced life spans in mammals, makes this legislature even more crucial. California's labeling of GMOs will hopefully lead to a national labeling initiative, paving the way for all Americans to have the Right to Know what's in their food.
Join Us for the RIGHT TO KNOW MARCH and Rally! Oct 6, 2012
San Francisco Rally (with Speakers and Music) and March down Market St. in support of Yes on Prop 37 - For the Mandatory Labeling of GMO's.
October 6 2012- 10am Rally at Civic Center, 11am March down Market Street.
12-4pm - Street Canvassing along Embarcadero
Up-Coming Events to Look forward to:
Sept. 27: Steven Drucker: Hillside Club in Berkeley 7:30-9:30pm
Oct 2: Film Screening of Scientists Under Attack: Ecology Center Berkeley 7pm
Oct 4: Bitter Seeds Screening: Grand Lake Theater 7pm and 9:50pm
Every Wednesday in October: Film Screenings with Guest Speakers at the Humanist Hall, Potluck at 6:30pm/ Film at 7:30pm
Oct 3: A Silent Forest
Oct 10: Scientist Under Attack
Oct 17: Bitter Seeds
Oct 24: Genetic Roulette
Oct 31: The World According to Monsanto
Oct 15: Jeffery Smith Speaking at SF State University- HSS 306 - 5-6pm
And more to come:
Check out complete GMO Awareness Month Activities at
http://www. gmo-labeling/
How can you help pass Prop 37?
Volunteer: Visit: http://www. or Email: volunteer@
Volunteer: Visit: http://www.
Reach Out: SLR is hosting church and community events as well as
offering our resources (art projects, carnival games, organic snacks and
GMO info) to Bay Area get-togethers hosted by other organizations. If
you have an event coming up that you'd like us to promote or that you'd
like to have some GMO info at, let us know. Also if you have
connections to churches, events, farmers markets or community centers
that would like to host our (Free) Educational Carnival and eco-info let
us know, we'd love to connect.